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Korean Translation

With a large network of in-country, bilingual Korean, translators, Global Bridge can respond quickly and effectively to your Korean language translation needs. Global Bridge provides professional, high quality Korean to English translations and English to Korean translations. Our Korean translation services will help you maximize your global strategy

Our Korean translation services will help you maximize your global strategy.

•  Experienced, native-speaking Korean translators
•  Korean software and Website localization
•  International translation company with offices in the USA, UK and Australia
•  Online Korean translation quoting and order service available worldwide - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year
•  Wide range of Korean specialty and industry translators
•  KoreanTranslation progress reports available accessible directly and on-line
•  Translation memory to save you time and money in the future

Korean Internationalization of software and websites, which ensures that your site or application function for the Korean market, correctly handling currency, time and dates, or special Korean characters.

Korean Localization of software and websites, which ensures that your site or application are correctly translated and accurately communicate your message.

Korean translation and desktop publishing of documentation, which ensures that your user manuals, contracts and collateral materials are accurately rendered in Korean.

Korean software testing to verify that your application works properly for your target users. Proper platforms, browsers, and test scripts are used to ensure the experience of the Korean users will be as good as if the application was developed specifically for the Korean market.

Korean website testing to verify that your site works properly for your target users. Proper platforms, browsers, and test scripts are used to ensure the experience of the Korean users will be as good as if the site was developed specifically for the Korean market.

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