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Technical Translation

When you are having manuals, user guides or any other technical documents translated, it is absolutely essential that the translators themselves have proven expertise in the given field. Whether it be engineering, medical or any other specialist subject the technical translation must be perfect. Only a person with a proven track record and solid technical understanding can achieve this.

Global Bridge work with over 5,000 translators from around the globe, giving us access to every conceivable type of industry specific knowledge. All translators are thoroughly checked to confirm their technical expertise.

We will always work with you, and where possible your in-country reviewers to ensure the style and knowledge of the translators involved meets exactly with your requirements

Global Bridge has a 5 year track record in providing technical translation services in all major world languages. Our services are respected globally for accuracy, tight turnaround times and our experience with a variety of technical translation media and formats.

We provide technical translation services to varieties of companies in the following areas:
· Industrial concerns
· Technical manufacturing businesses
· Medico-pharmaceutical firms
· Hardware and software producers
· Commercial firms
· Advertising agencies
· Publishers
· Legal and patent attorneys

Generally, the material they ask us to translate falls under the following categories:
· Manuals
· Technical specifications
· Invitations to tender
· Tender documents
· Contracts
· Licences

In order to provide quality technical translation services, we need to be very particular about the translators we work with. Our translators are (in most cases) qualified chemists, biochemists, physicists, mechanical, electrical, and electronics engineers, medical doctors etc. with appropriate language skills, and translators with years of experience in their respective specialist fields. We only use native speakers, and they have generally learnt their technical translation skills on the job in foreign countries.
Please email us if you'd like a quote for your some technical translation work - we will be delighted to help!

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